Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Friday, September 02, 2005

I'm clicking my heels three times. Cause there's no place like home.

Well, my little darlings, here I am again. Feeling better this morning than yesterday, thank god.

I hate hormones. They make me act like a crazy person. Which is strange, because pre-surgery, I never EVER had any kind of PMS-type issues whatsoever. No mood swings, no cramps, no weird boob tenderness (thank god, because I grope myself constantly), nothing. I had it made.

Now, post-op, I turn into a crazy person some months. I guess my hormones are changing with all the weight loss, but it sucks.

And I don't like it. Not one bit.

Well, my beautiful Blogger babies, I have some distressing news. News that I am sure will shock and terrify and disappoint. Well, ok, probably not, but still. I am trying to be dramatic here.

I am going back to diaryland. I know, I know. I hate a flip-flopper as much as GW does, but I have to do it, and I'll tell you why. Much like my wonderful friend Loopy, I hate blogger. I really do. I don't like having the whole month's entries on one page. I don't like that I can't make the comments link say something stupid and funny. I hate that commenters have to type a stupid word just so that I won't get 45165498 spam comments a day. I hate that I can't figure out the freakin' html sometimes. I hate that some of the entries I posted have just disappeared all together.

I do, however, love all my friends at Blogger. And I hope you'll all follow me back and continue to read my insanity.

I renewed my Super Gold right before I came to Blogger, and it's just getting wasted. So, as soon as I figure out what my new template will be, I will start posting over there again. And, since I can't remember to double-post in two journals, I'll likely put the re-direct code that was in my other diary here, so if you click the blogspot link, it'll take you to diaryland. Bear with me, people.

I'd do it for you.

No, really. I would. Promise.

My grandmother (not the dead one that's stinking my house up - the living racist one) is graciously giving me lots of money so that I can pay my cat's veterinary bill and I can own him outright. I was over at her house yesterday, and she was watching MSNBC's hurricane coverage.

I don't know if every other reporter for that network was dead, but the one they had reporting was some woman whose voice (I am not kidding) sounded like Herman Munster. I am not entirely convinced she was really a woman.

To be honest, I haven't watched much of the coverage, because it's so overwhelmingly sad and depressing, that I can't handle it. I can't handle the desperation. I can't handle the looting, and the people assaulting and threatening the emergency workers, and the idea that a beautiful city I've never seen in person will never be the same again. And, what really gets to me, as with any disaster like this, is when I see animals stranded and suffering. I mean, of course I am affected by the human suffering, and the devastation. I'm not that much of an insensitive asshole, but it's those poor animals that really get me.

I don't have a lot of money (obviously if I am getting help from my family to pay my bills), but I did donate a few dollars to help. I am also donating something else. The fabulous Chickpea's little brother lived in New Orleans, and had to leave his whole life, and almost all of his belongings behind. So, I am doing my part and making some cd's to send him, because the idea of me losing my cd collection kills me.

I sure hope that kid likes Neil Diamond, Hall and Oates, and Marky Mark.

I am glad everyone got such a kick out of the most recent super stud to try to bamboozle me into hooking up with him. I almost want to email him back and start fucking with him, but I don't know if I want to waste my time with it. He's so sad, in so very many ways.

And, Rachel... yes. I really do attract all the freaks and weirdos. I know all of you girls must be terribly, terribly jealous of me and all my hot man action.

With the quality of men I attract who want to date me, I just thank god for my vibrators. And porn. So send me the stuff, Ass Monkey. I know you want to, because you love me most of all. It's ok. You can admit it.

Happy reason to get drunk on sunday Labor Day, everyone!

And moving day!


At September 02, 2005 10:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I may love you most of all, but what's in it for me? And herpes is not an enticement to mail you porn

At September 02, 2005 10:48 AM, Blogger andria said...

NGD, don't act like you're NOT the one with the STD. I'm not the one with a wife named Slut. I kid, I kid.

I don't have any Jimmy Buffet cd's to give you. I have like 500 other ones, though. Hey, I have a Jenna Jameson autobiography - complete with oral tips, just in case the wife has fallen behind on her oral skills. ;)

At September 02, 2005 11:00 AM, Blogger andria said...

DK, you're such a hoar. You can send all the spammers you want - as long as they're hot. ;)

At September 02, 2005 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, at least you tried something different in the online journal arena. I suppose Diaryland is something you just never completely get out of your veneral warts.

FYI, the word I had to type to leave this comment is the best one I have seen yet: "Ulgmu". Please use in a sentence. -- P.P.

At September 02, 2005 11:07 AM, Blogger andria said...

You mean like:"Hey, did you guys hear Plop Phizz had to go have a venereal wart burned off his ulgmu?"

At September 02, 2005 11:35 AM, Blogger The Queen said...

Haha! If he (Chickpea's bro) doesn't like that music, you can surely send that my way! Love it! xoxo - me

At September 02, 2005 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

come back! come back to diaryland! COME BACK!!!!!

At September 02, 2005 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now we can have a Welcome Back Andria Party over at d'land. I'll arrange for the male strippers, OK? Good. I knew you'd agree!

At September 02, 2005 2:40 PM, Blogger GoingLoopy said...

I will be happy to help wtih your template...and I love being a trendsetter. Hehehe.

At September 02, 2005 4:04 PM, Blogger Nilliem said...

Ahh...good to know where you'll be living! hehe I like to know these kinds of things so I can get my fix.....;)

Oh, the verification word? Weirdest one I think I've ever seen...wzjydjnw

At September 02, 2005 4:24 PM, Blogger warcrygirl said...

Just set the number of entries per page ya dork. But if you like being financially ass-raped by Andrew that's your choice.

Ain't no fucking way I'm going back to Dland. NEVAH!

Yay for Racist Granny! Hope Ike is feeling better.

At September 02, 2005 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Muahahahaha they always come back to the pimp daddy D-land. Also, you rock! He will like whatever you send! *muah* <--- hot lesbian action

At September 04, 2005 12:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! you're coming back to D-land! It's great to see that everyone is coming to their senses and slowly returning. You, Betcy, GoingLoopy..Now I just have to work on WarCryGirl..:)

"Ain't no fucking way I'm going back to Dland. NEVAH!" - Well, I didn't say it was going to be easy.

Look forward to the male strippers AWITTYKITTY will be hiring for your welcome back party.

Take care!


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