Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Andria's a big drooling idiot - Part Deux

As I talked about a few entries ago, I have a thing for firemen. And, for whatever reason, the city I live in only seems to hire hot men in their emergency assistance occupations. Cops, firement, EMT's, paramedics - ALL HOT.

So, imagine my glee when I showed up at the hospital yesterday so they could take eight gallons of my blood (I am not kidding - eleven viles, people. ELEVEN), and I saw a bunch of EMTs and paramedics cleaning out their rigs in the ambulance bay, which happens to be conventiently located right next to a bench, a fountain, and some flowers. So I looked at the time, decided to make myself late for my appointment, and sat down on the bench for a few.

I took my cell phone out, because I didn't want to look like a horny, under-sexed stalker (even though that's clearly what I am). I dialed Kay and started chatting with her, all the while staring (probably with drool running down my chin) at these hunky men twenty feet away.

And speaking of my rampant horniness, I think I am going to have to re-think the "no more casual sex Andria" policy I've enacted. Because of my lack of sex, I've been craving (and eating) chocolate like a lunatic. And, well, the scale wasn't quite so friendly the last time I went to the doctor, so... I have to have sex.

For my health.

Who's with me?






It's a sad day, gentle readers.

I'll tell you why. Next Thursday is the last "Being Bobby Brown." I don't know what I'll do with my two favorite crackheads gone from my television. Last night may have been the best episode, because aside from their blaring (and scary) rendition of "Born to be Wild," there was some creepy wrestling going on, not to mention the absolutely DISGUSTING appearance of Bobby's bare feet, which look like something I've never seen - or ever wish to see again.

God bless those two junkie lunatics.

I got a reply from my ad on matchdotcom from some biker/actor/weirdo guy who's interested in me. So, upon looking at his profile, I scrolled down to what kind of girl he likes. This proves the theory that Chickpea(and, go read her if you're not already. She's six kinds of sassy, my friends) and I discussed one day that men do NOT read the profiles on these dating sites. They just see a picture they like, and click on it.

Because you know what his biggest turn offs are? Sarcasm, girls who cuss, and loud, outspoken women. And the kind of girls he likes? Quiet, demure, sweet types that act feminine and lady-like.

Hmmmm... now, granted, I don't scream and curse on my profile, but it clearly says I have a dry, sarcastic, raunchy, silly, sense of humor. And, in the section of crap I have to come up with myself, I mention about FIVE times how sarcastic I am, and how my sense of humor is my most noticeable trait, and that I am shy at first, but do tend to be outspoken around people I am comfortable with.

GodDAMN is dating a pain in my ass.

I don't heart being single.

Thank god it's Friday.

That's all.


At August 19, 2005 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who loves ya Baby.

Get yourself a BOB. A good ole battery operated boyfriend.
No more strings.
No more chocolate.

At August 19, 2005 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Jenna. I've got a BOB. Ok, I have a few. And they're good, but it's just not the same...

Death to chocolate!

At August 19, 2005 11:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Idea -- Light a fire in your house and sleep with the first person who saves you.

At August 19, 2005 11:33 AM, Blogger warcrygirl said...

Did you email the guy and tell him to pull his head out of his ass and read the fucking profiles, for fucks sake?

Honestly. Fuckers.

I'm all for casual sex but Hubby has a problem with it, what with me being married to him and all.

I've got brownies!!!!!

At August 19, 2005 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gump, you're a goddamned genius.

Warcry, don't tease me, you whore. ;)

At August 19, 2005 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gump IS a g-d genius! You totally need to do that, you demure babe, you!

I am so with you on the horniness, to the point where my BOB is almost as stressed out as I am ...

P.S. Not to go all Spelling Nazi on you, but I really can't help it -- it's a disease! The word is "vial."

At August 19, 2005 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meany, damn you.

I am ashamed of how bad my grammar and spelling have been of late.

I blame the terrorists.

At August 19, 2005 12:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

DK, you hoar.

Don't make fun of my mad punctuation skillz.

At August 19, 2005 12:53 PM, Blogger OneMoreSnooze said...

I'm pretty bummed I missed Bobby and his delightful family. I hope it will show up in reruns. I'll need something to help me recover from the end of Six Feet Under... *sniff* And yes. To sex. For your health.

At August 19, 2005 3:17 PM, Blogger warcrygirl said...

Holy fuck woman, turn on the word verification feature and tell those spammers to go fuck themselves.

At August 19, 2005 3:23 PM, Blogger warcrygirl said...

Well damn, I came here to tell you how to get all wordy verified and shit and here you've beaten me to it.

You're pretty smart...for a hoar! ;)

At August 19, 2005 3:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I was a lesbo, I'd be with ya! xoxo - me

At August 19, 2005 3:26 PM, Blogger andria said...

Warcry, I am so dumb, I never even noticed that setting when I set my blog up. Sheesh... I could have avoided all that shitty spam from day one!

At August 19, 2005 6:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh how I adore thee. If I had a dick, we'd totally be fucking... you know... for the health factor. There's also that whole opposite coast thing but let's just dismiss that minor detail. Also, ROCK ON for the shout out! Woohoo! Go me! I wonder if I should reopen my match account?

At August 19, 2005 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, that "opposite coast" thing is total crap, innit?
also, How would your life change if your yearly income became your monthly income? there'd be plane tickets, Galore! and a firefighter deathmatch!

At August 22, 2005 6:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your last note!

You know, I've never seen a hot fireman. Here in this town, they all have mustaches, balding with beer gut and are in their late forties. I'd love to see a hot fireman. The only hot cop I've ever seen was the one I hired as a stripper for my bestfriend's birthday in college.

But someday..some day...

I have to type in a top secret code to post this comment? cool!

At August 22, 2005 8:39 AM, Blogger GoingLoopy said...

Chocolate is an evil you should be one too. :) And I'm with you on the firemen. There's just something about a guy with a big hose...and I can't believe I'm the first person who made that comment.


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