Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Fuck you, Andrew.

Yeah. I hate diaryland.

I'm testing Pete's re-direct code.

Be jealous of my beautiful pink template!

Anyhoo, here's my post for the day, copied over here.

I'm ashamed of myself.

Not only did I watch the "My Super Sweet 16" marathon on MTV, I also watched "Laguna Beach", a show I despise because it's full of a bunch of dye-jobbed, snotty rich kids in Orange County. What the hell is wrong with me?

And, speaking of tv, I hate when my favorite character gets killed off a favorite tv show (Yeah, I'm looking at you, Alan Ball... damn you). I knew this was the final season of "Six Feet Under", but they didn't have to kill Nate, dammit.

I had such a crush on Nate. Grrr.

Hey, did you hear Lauren Bacall has a few choice words for my favorite blow-hard narcissist, Tom Cruise? She called him "vulgar" and said, "When you talk about a great actor, you're not talking about Tom Cruise."


Last night, I had a spectacularly odd dream about a lot of diarists and high school.

One of my recurring dreams is always about the first day of school. Probably because I hated the first day of school, and pretty much hated all of high school.

So, I walk into this classroom, and there's Pete, Jenna, Judd, RDC Warcrygirl, Clarity, Loopy, and probably the only man for whom I'll have babies, my lovely friend Jeremy.

GodDAMN, was that a lot of linking.

So, I walk into the classroom, and Jenna and Loopy were sitting at one table, writing a note that was to be for Pete, while Pete and Judd were sitting talking to Clarity, who was drawing something on a huge poster board.

I sat down and started talking to Jeremy, when RDC jumped up from her desk, and ran over, and punched Judd sqare in the jaw. Judd just looked at her, and started laughing hysterically, and then they started making out.

Warcrygirl and Loopy took the note over to Pete, while Jenna sat looking nervously. Just as Pete was about to read the note, Jeremy snatched it out of his hands and ran out of the classroom. Warcrygirl ran out after Jeremy, knocked him down in the hall, kicked him, and took the note back to Pete. Jenna was crying. The crazy, out-of-breath, snotty kind of crying.

Judd and RDC were still making out during all of this. Which I think is awesome.

Pete read the note, and gave it to Clarity to read out loud. And dammit, I can't remember what the note says, but I have an idea it was "Do you love me? Check yes or no."

And, that's all I remember.

There were more people in the classroom, so there could have been more diary people there, I just don't know what they look like.

I love my wacky dreams.

So, a lot of suckers have added me to their favorites recently (thanks!), probably due to my awesomely lame ultra high tech banners I've been running.

And by "high tech" I mean "looks like an eight year old made it."


At August 02, 2005 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, I commented on the other site but it told me to fuck off. I was going to tease you about dreaming about me when I wasn't even on your links, but I see that the new site has remedied that problem. ;) As for the dream, I'm a bit embarrassed that Tanya had to beat someone up for me. Dangit.

At August 02, 2005 10:52 AM, Blogger andria said...

Well, Pete, at least you're clothed in this dream. I told you I had a dirty dream about you a long time ago, didn't I? ;)

At August 02, 2005 11:03 AM, Blogger OneMoreSnooze said...

Oh, man? The pressure... the pressure. I just renewed my GOLD for 3 months [ducking] mostly because I caved to the increasingly threatening emails from Andrew. No, seriously. I'm going to transfer everything to Blogger soon, because clearly that's where the really cool people live. Cool pink people who throw dreams I'm not invited to. Not that I'm bitter. (Chika is Xquzme's doppleganger)

At August 02, 2005 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh! I like your template. Perhaps I will follow you to blogger. And the redirect code works great.

At August 02, 2005 11:11 AM, Blogger andria said...

Chika, I know who you are, dear. I renewed for an ungodly amount for super gold, and then they told me I needed to upgrade to super so my friends could comment.

I forwarded my paypal receipt to Andrew with a threatening email to dispute the credit card charge this morning if I didn't hear back in a timely manner, and a half hour later I was upgraded and given a bunch more banners.


Now comes the arduous task of trying to get that money back.

At August 02, 2005 11:14 AM, Blogger andria said...

Jenna, it's funny, because I had that dream about a week after I started reading Pete's blog. I didn't even know him, yet there he was, naked in my dreams.

My dreams are SO much more interesting than my real life.

At August 02, 2005 11:30 AM, Blogger andria said...

Jenna, I can't believe I forgot your link! It's all fixed now, my dear.

At August 02, 2005 11:42 AM, Blogger andria said...

DK, I agree with everything about Six Feet Under. I used to love Brenda, then they turned her into a psycho unlikeable bitch.

I think I am changing my name to Hot Pink Hoar.

Link's fixed, dahling.

At August 02, 2005 12:04 PM, Blogger JuddHole said...

Nice work on redirect toots.
If it's got me makin' out with my wife, regardless of whether or not she beats me up, dream away.

At August 02, 2005 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww man, I wasn't finished reading all your archives yet!

(Uh, I am not a stalker.)

At August 02, 2005 1:00 PM, Blogger warcrygirl said...

My comment on your notes read as such:

Cool! Not only do I kick ass in my own dreams now I'm kicking ass in yours!

I so kick ass.

BTW, if you don't get your money back from Andrew let me know; I'll tell you how I've handled it. They don't call me the Queen of Bitches for nothing, you know.

At August 02, 2005 1:14 PM, Blogger warcrygirl said...

BTW, check out Osbasso's title. I think you'll like it. ;)

At August 02, 2005 2:09 PM, Blogger andria said...

Warcry, I did check out that site, and laughed!! I need to figure out how to get my older entries over here, since now no one can see them in diaryland, either...

At August 02, 2005 3:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow ... you left us. I wish that I could be so brave.

At August 02, 2005 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Here's me pasting the note I left in Dland)
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! So many shades of awesome. Wonder why I punched him though... mebbe like "just in case you are even THINKING of arguing with my make-out plans." I wanna know if we had roles, like jocks & cheerleaders & nerds & wallflowers & shit. Wait... "shit" isn't a stereotype...

At August 02, 2005 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how did I get here?... what did I miss?... who are you?... who am I?... I like a lot of your links :)

At August 02, 2005 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was trippy as fuck! The redirect is flawless and fast. I think I'll be the last person to stay with diaryland - like the band that played on when the Titanic was sinking.

At August 02, 2005 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I *knew* you wanted to have my babies! I was even warned from this fellow "gumphood." Oh my darling, we shall marry as a homosexual couple and have the most *darling* queer babies! Of course, you know what a money-grubbing size queen I am, so you'd better a) start making a wholehelluva lot more dough for me to spend on meaningless massages (with happy endings) with Jose and very large, impress-the-neighbor type diamond rings, b)buy a very large, jet black dildo whom we will name "Midnight Thunder", and c) buy me a goddamn plane ticket. Let's get to it! ::snap snap::

At August 02, 2005 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is unacceptable! I can't believe I got my ass kicked in your dream! Especially by *her*! Big, butch, macho me?! HA! I challenge you to a duel, warcrygirl! A DUUUUELLLL!! ::slaps face with white leather glove:: (I knew these gloves would come in handy some day...)


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