Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Don't worry, I won't be buying any Dashboard Confessional cd's anytime soon.

Oh my god. Ewww, ewww, ewww.

I don't like spiders. At least, not this kind.

That's right outside my back door, in the middle of a huge web that goes from the roof of my building to the hedge in the backyard. I hope crazy Militia Guy neighbor sees it and takes care of it, because I am not touching it. I am pretty sure when a spider is firey RED, that's probably not a good thing.

I'm such a wuss.

The other night, I had this wonderful dream that I was in bed with a man and he was reading me Pablo Neruda poetry, and then I find this in my myspace email:

Wow. I'm so lucky that these guys find me. Not only did he write that super suave poem, but I now know that of ALL the Andrias, I am in fact the cutest (like I didn't know that already, but still). And, he's writing to me exclusively! I am the only woman on the entire internet to be wooed with those words. Not only is his picture sideways, but his name is Lisa. Hmmm. I almost want to reply just to find out what the hell is up with the name. Maybe in Bangladesh it means "ultra-smooth ladies man."

Late Friday night, I was flipping around the channels, and on Skinemax (bowchickabowwow) was this movie called "Going Greek."

Well, I don't have to tell what I thought it was about. But it's about rushing fraternities or some shit like that. What a let down.

Talk about false advertising.

The MTV Video Awards were on tonight. I didn't watch it for two reasons. One, how can they give away awards for videos, when they don't even show videos anymore? And two, it was hosted by Sean "Puffy-Puff Daddy-P. Diddy-Diddy-Ramalammadingdong" Combs, and I can not stand that guy.

I did flip on it and caught Shakira's performance (of a song I love, and have no clue what the words are). I'm not gay, but I'd do her. That girl is HOT.

Before I ever even thought of starting this diary/blog/journal/crapfest, I was Clix-ing a friend's journal and saw a banner that caught me.

I clicked it, read a few entries, and was hooked. It was written by a funny, smart, sensitive, and silly guy in Colorado named Judd. I was taken by his writing because he wasn't afraid to write about what he was feeling, and not a lot of men would put themselves out there like that.

So, for a couple of years, I read about his relationships, his friends, his torment of his co-workers with Nerf toys, his family, and laughed at all of his alcohol-induced shenanigans. Some of his other entries really affected me, and at times I found myself crying in front of my computer, I was so overcome by his words.

In his most recent entry, he said that now that he was finally at home with his new bride, he was reluctant to keep writing about how happy he was, and his happy ending, because he didn't want to upset readers who didn't necessarily get their own happy ending.

I say fuck that. If it was me, and I was madly in love, and I went through all the same things those two crazy kids went through to be together, hell yes I would be writing about it.

For me, someone who, at times, feels lonely and disappointed in the state of my love life (but not now that I've got Lisa!), stories like theirs give me a little hope.

If people didn't share their happy endings, how would we know they're out there?

Awwww. Look at Andria get all sentimental.

I'm still bitterly sarcastic, though.

So don't worry, I'm not going all emo on you.


At August 28, 2005 11:47 PM, Blogger The Queen said...

AHHHH! why did you have to do it?! FUCKING SPIDERS!!!! ARACHNAPHOBIA!

At August 29, 2005 1:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just clicked on your "Nobody puts baby in the corner" banner - *I* have one of those, too! We have great taste, darling! (Oh, and in Australia the female redback spider gives a very nasty nip - apparently there are 200 cases a year requiring antivenom to treat the ensuing sweating, muscular weakness, paralysis, stiffness, loss of coordination, tremors, nausea, swollen tongues, infections, convulsions, thirst, diarrhoea, shock and rashes the victims suffer. So you be careful, alrighty? Love, R xxx

At August 29, 2005 1:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops. Close brackets.

At August 29, 2005 5:10 AM, Blogger warcrygirl said...

Hey, I want a Lisa! I can pretend to like bad poetry, too!

At August 29, 2005 7:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How dare you mock my hotness, my poem and my name all in one swoop. Jihad is officially declared on all bloggers associated with acknowledgement of their dorkiness.

At August 29, 2005 7:20 AM, Blogger andria said...

Ok, Warcry. I'll take that big ol' hunky husband of yours, and you can have Lisa! That sounds like a fair trade. Plus you get to live in beautiful exotic Bangladesh. It doesn't get much better than that.

Lisa, I was just kidding, baby. Come on, you're full of love that's always flowing, remember? There's no need for jihad, let's make up. ;)

At August 29, 2005 7:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that you should write about how you feel, but sometimes I don't talk about things like that as well because I am worried about how it would look.

At August 29, 2005 7:49 AM, Blogger Pheebs said...

LOL!!! I laughed soo hard at the part about "lisa" that I am still snickering as I write this. I get the exact same garbage in my inbox on Friendster; I seriously think sometimes they're doing it to be funny...they can't be serious...

At August 29, 2005 9:18 AM, Blogger GoingLoopy said...

I think they can be serious. They probably read some purloined, black-market, how-to-score-an-American-babe book...or the only cable channel in Bangladesh is Lifetime.

Speaking of Lifetime, I agree. Happy endings in real life are good. It's nice to know that they aren't just made for TV.

At August 29, 2005 1:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roses are red
Violator is a Depeche Mode album
What in the hell
rhymes with album?

Love, Lisa (really)

At August 29, 2005 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Everyone is writing about Judd. The boy could start his own cult.

At August 29, 2005 7:31 PM, Blogger Rocky said...

There once was a man named Lisa.
Andria's ass, he wanted a piece-a.
He's stuck in Bangladesh
Before he can get fresh
He needs to score a visa.


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