Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Tag your man.

Oh. My. God. Today I saw something on television that blew my mind and left me speechless. I was flipping around, and came across this show called "Dance 360." I don't know if you have seen this show, but if you haven't, I'll break it down: Two cheesy hosts (one of them is one of the "Goodburger" guys) pick someone out of this group on the stage to dance for like, 10 or 15 seconds. After about 7 or 8 people have been chosen, they just start dancing and competing for the grand prize of (I hope you're sitting down for this) $360. What a goddman train wreck this show is. Awesome.

The whole time I kept waiting for someone to yell out "You got served!!" But no one did.

Damn it.

I was babysitting RAM for Kay this morning (she may be a homophobe but she's still my friend), and he came running out of the bedroom with one of the toys he got for Christmas. It was this toy power drill my sister gave him.

So he comes up to me, drill in hand, and says, "TT, you need a screw."

"Kid, you have no idea."

I wasn't going to respond, but someone left a comment yesterday that bugged me a little. He failed to leave his email or URL, so that tells me how committed to his comment he is (he also left a comment in another diary spouting similar rhetoric).

My problem with people like him is this: he'll spout the right's side NO MATTER WHAT IT IS. Be it people on the right or the left, it bothers the shit out of me when they just tow the party line no matter what the issue is.

Think for yourself. Don't say it because Rush Limbaugh or Michael Moore told you to.


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