Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Insert clever title here.

A while back, I wrote about a right-wing intolerant fuck who was driving around with a bunch of jerky stickers on his car.

Today, Kay and I were driving back from Trader Joe's and that very guy pulled up next to us. I got just as heated and pissed off today as I did the first time I saw this guy, and started going off on this rant to Kay about what a dick he was. Kay then proceeded to actually start defending this guy. WHAT THE FUCK???

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She has gotten a bit more conservative over the years, but to defend someone so blatantly homophobic really disturbed me, and I told her that. She then told me that being gay was wrong, and blah, blah, blah. I was so surprised (and angry) that I really didn't hear most of what she was saying. But I did manage to hear her say that if I were gay, she would let me come around her son, RAM, but I wouldn't be allowed to talk about being gay or ever bring around my girlfriend. Even though I am not gay, this really pissed me off, and I didn't really say anything else to her after that. I dropped her off at her house and came home, feeling totally let down.

Someone has brainwashed my friend. I am going to have to delete the Fox News Channel from her channel line-up when she's not looking.

So I went to watch The Orange Bowl (I am sure OU fans are still crying... ouch) with some friends the other night, and was delirious with glee when the ENTIRE CROWD booed Ashlee Simpson. I really wish this would happen more often (is that mean?). Maybe it would encourage her, and the other talentless nimrods that are all over the radio now to go back to the trailor park and get off my car stereo.

They're wasting air time that could be taken up by Avril Lavigne or Good Charlotte. You know, good music.

Yeah. Right.


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