Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Nothing exciting.

I am such an update flake, it's pathetic. But in the last few weeks I can't seem to focus (or sit up straight) long enough to read or write anything. It pretty much sucks.

But, thanks to Cipro (yeah, the same drug they give to people with ANTHRAX), I am feeling a little better and am not such a wallowing emotional mess these days.

I was so naive to think that the actual surgery would be the worst part of this whole process, but the recovery is way harder than I thought (or any of those fuckers at the doctor's office prepared me for). I haven't left the house for anything more than doctor's appointments or trips to my apartment to see my cats, water my plants and pick up my mail, so I am beginning to understand the life of a shut-in. It's no fun.

The biggest shock of all is that I haven't even been online (!!!) very much, and I am such a chat whore that I go through withdrawals if I am not at a computer at some point during the day. But, like I said, no focus. So I can't even chat and enjoy it (sorry, J). But once I get back home, that will change. My parents have a suckass computer, so that probably has something to do with the fact that I don't want to go near it, and once I am at home with my DSL and my own stuff, it will probably change. YAY for change!!!

Jason is coming to see me today for the first time since before my surgery. I am so nervous for some reason. We have talked on the phone and emailed a few times since, but this will be the first time I am seeing him. It will also be the first time I see him where nothing happens (dammit), and we have to actually sit and have conversation.


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