Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

A real big dick, and a guy with a giant penis.

I almost never leave the office for lunch (we have a kitchen, and I always take my lunch and read... I am a dork), but when I do, strange (like seeing a guy standing outside an apartment building with an aluminum bowl on his head), funny (deranged nascar fan calling me a cocksucker for liking Jeff Gordon while I am driving, telling small children they're assholes, etc) and sometimes disturbing things happen.

I was stopped at a light, and I noticed this car had an assload of stickers on the back, so I inched up closer to read them. First, in the middle is the big \"W '04\" sticker, which is bad enough. But whatever. People are entitled to feel the way they do. Then, there is a couple of Jesus fish, and next to one of them, a right-to-life sticker that says abortion is murder and Jesus is going to get you, or some shit like that. There were a few miscellaneous NRA stickers, more Jesus shit, and then the one that really threw me into high gear: it said some jive about marriage equals a man and a woman, and then underneath that, it said "adam and eve not adam and steve" (which is getting pretty fucking old. I wish the homophobes would come up with something more clever).

I should preface this rant by saying that I have zero tolerance for ignorance and stupidity of this sort. Especially homophobia. I have wonderful gay friends, and I have watched them be treated horribly by people for no reason other than the fact that they are gay. It really does just disgust me. And everytime I see shit like this car, it just reminds me that no matter what year it is, somethings will never change.

I really can't believe that these people are proud to be driving around in a car that advertises what a bigoted, intolerant fuck they are. I don't understand the need to drive around in a judgementmobile condemning society with all that shit. I know that people have certain views on things. I just don't get it.

If a guy wants a dick up his ass, why does Hitler in a Honda Element care?

Enough of that serious crap.

I got some action last night, and it was awesome. Be jealous, ladies. He's 23 and he's 6'7. And all that height is proportioned... EVERYWHERE. He was fabulous. And a good kisser, too, which makes him so much more dreamy.

So I spoke to coffee date boy on the phone last night, and I am worried about this man's ability to hold a conversation. Seriously. I mean, I thought he wasn't talking much because he was nervous when we met on Saturday, but he wasn't any better on the phone last night, so I don't know if I'll go out with him again. I mean... I should, right? I shouldn't write this guy off just because he's shy with the chit-chat. Maybe I should give it another chance, dammit.

Sometimes being single really sucks ass.

I guess I did break up with Jason. He hasn't talked to me since that stupid email I sent him. Goddamn that guy is such a baby. I suppose I am better off.

My surgery is next Friday. I am so excited, I can't stand it.

I have slowly started telling my co-workers what I am doing, to explain why I will suddenly be gone for six weeks, and why their workload is going to be increasing. Everyone has been really supportive and cool, except for - SURPRISE- that evil bitchwhore Celestia. She hasn't said anything to my face, but she said plenty to the boss. Ugh. Bitch.

Crap. I just totally forgot the rest of this entry.


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