Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Stand back - I'm radioactive.

Well, here I am on Friday night with nothing better to do than update my journal that no one reads. I think.

I bought a digital camera this week (I am the last one to catch up to the technological revolution, I admit it - shit, I just got a cell phone for the first time three weeks ago), and Jesus Christ, it was worth every penny I spent.

There is another guy I see sometimes, The Hot Egyptian (that should be pretty self-explanatory), who was the only one of my dopey guys to call me on my birthday. He called right at midnight, so he could be the first to wish me a happy birthday. It was sweet of him, and I was glad he called, but I wish it would have been Jason doing it instead. Oh, these boys cause me such stress sometimes.

I had to have a freaky medical test yesterday and today. I won't go into too much detail now, but I had to have this cardiology test, that is similar to the tests doctors do when they make you run on a treadmill. Only I didn't run on a treadmill. I laid on a bed and they put an IV in my arm and gave me a shot that made me heart act like it was running. Which is a bizarre fucking feeling, people. One minute my heart is racing, my head is pounding, and my stomach is in gut-wrenching pain, the next minute the doctor gives me another shot and I am completely back to normal.

Then I had to go lay on another table for what felt like forever while I giant camera was about three inches from my chest taking pictures of my heart. That was rough, because the tech told me I couldn't move when the test started. And of course, every part of my body itched or hurt in some way that made me want to move.

Then I had to go back today so they could inject me with some radioactive nuclear shit and take more pictures with the giant camera.

Medical science is some crazy, freaky shit, man.

Tomorrow I am going to hang with my lovely friends The Mitchells for some belated birthday celebration. They are insane movie freaks, so every time I am there they show me something weird and wonderful I would never have thought to see on my own. And Mrs. Mitchell is making me cake, so that's not so bad either.


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