Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Monday, August 30, 2004

Stupid boys.

Just when I thought I found a good thing with no serious strings attached, he goes and flips out and gets all relationship-y on me. Jason and I got into what seems to me to be the absolute stupidest fight in the history of the world the other night, and he has not gotten over it. In fact, he told me that he feels a little "claustrophobic" and that he needs space for a while, "to breathe". Give me a fucking break. This guy gets nothing but space from me, seeing as how I see him about once a week (sometimes not even that) and all it is is sex anyways(which I don't have a problem with at all). That hardly sounds stifling to me, but like I said, what sparked the argument was completely stupid, and this whole "breathing" thing is just his childish way of trying to spite me. He is 35 years old, for fuck's sake. I just want to find one man who is capable of maturity (at least half the time), is a hot kisser, has a brain, and can make me laugh. That's it.

Is that too much to ask for???

In one month I will be 31. Damn it. Isn't it weird how 31 is completely opposite from what you thought 31 would be when you were, say, 15? When I was 15, I thought by now I would be married to some suit, driving a mini-van full of brats and staying home all day to be the perfect homemaker. Jesus. Thank god that is not what my life turned out to be. There is nothing wrong with those things, just not for me.

I have an offline date Wednesday. God help me. I hate these things. I am such a nervous wreck. Wish me luck.


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