Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Monday, July 26, 2004

A hot cup of Monday morning stupidity.

Ah, Mondays.

Don’t you just love them? Eh, me either. But as Mondays go, this one’s not so bad. I had a pretty good weekend, and got some hot nasty lovin’ last night, so all is good for this girl. At least for now. But I anticipate at least one of the morons I work with will do their best to diminish my good mood. Fuckers.

As I stated in an earlier entry, I really can’t deal with stupid people. I just don’t have the patience. Which is why this morning, my post-coital bliss was almost interrupted by the owner or my company, Mr. Big Shot. Since I work at the front desk in my office, I send out all of the FedEx that we send every day, usually about five or six packages a day, so there are always FedEx envelopes sitting on my desk. That being said, Mr. Big Shot comes up to my desk, frantic, and says “Uh, I need to send these contracts to my broker in New York. Is there some way that we can get them to him overnight??” Did you notice that he didn’t address me by my name? That’s because I am almost certain that after more than four years of working for him, he doesn’t know my name.

“Do you want me to FedEx them?”

“What is that?”

Sigh. How is it that this man, who started this company 35 years ago, and has made it a national multi-million dollar business doesn’t know WHAT THE FUCK FEDERAL EXPRESS IS??? I long for his retirement. But then that would just put his dopey son, Little Big Shot in charge, and I am not sure that would be any better, so I must suffer. I guess there could be worse things to have to put up with at work.

And believe me, I do.

Stupidity, people. It’s an epidemic.


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