Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

I have more viruses than a $2 hooker.

I am so computer illiterate it's ridiculous. My super cool ultra-hip diary lay-out should be proof enough of that. I finally stepped into the 21st century and stepped it up to DSL, and have spent the majority of my weekend battling with spyware, installing firewalls, updating anti-virus and trying to keep from shooting my goddamned computer Elvis-style. This has been amazingly frustrating. I need to marry a computer nerd, man. Someone that looks like Johnny Lee Miller in that "Hackers" movie. This shit is enough to drive a girl batty.

I have two offline date prospects, and I am nervous about them both. I mean, I have Jason (who I also met online) in my life, but it's strictly physical. As good as the sex is, I would give it up for something that is at least more consistent, seeing as how I see Jason about once every two weeks. I always get shy and nervous when I meet new people, so you can imagine what a basket case I am on a blind date. It's a bad scene, people.

I spent some time with my best friend's son today. As much as I don't want kids, I sure love that one. He is an amazing little person. It's hard to believe the stuff that comes out of that four year old mouth. A few weeks ago, he was asking me why I wasn't married. So I told him it was because I haven't found someone that I love enough to marry, and he told me that he would marry me because I am pretty, make good peanut butter & jelly sandwiches and watch Spongebob Squarepants with him. It's hard to be bitter and cynical when you hear stuff like that.


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