Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Freaks and geeks.

Tonight a very bizarre thing happened to me. I was out with friends at this bar/pub/grill type place, and someone came up to me and said, "You look familiar. Are you Andria?" I said yes, and I immediately recognized him as someone I went to middle and high school with.

I should begin by saying that high school was not a particularly great time for me. In fact, I do my best to avoid anything high school-related at all. One of the only two recurring dreams that I have is that I am back in high school, and it's awful (my other recurring dream is that I start smoking again. I quit almost five years ago). The thing that surprised me at all is that this guy happened to remember exactly who I was. I mean, I was pretty dorky in high school (well, I still am), and don't think I spoke one word to this guy since middle school. He said he remembered me from my red hair, and my eyes, and that I looked exactly the same. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

We talked for about an hour, mostly gossip about people we went to school with, gossip about teachers, and a "so what are you doing now?" conversation. It was cool. Normally I am pretty bitter about the prospect of talking to anyone I went to school with (Kay is my only friend I kept from school), but I felt like I was talking to someone who saw it the same way I did. From a bit of an outsider's perspective. See... I was (well, still am) fat, wore glasses (still do), and was not the smoothest dresser back in the day. So, you can imagine I was not the popular cheerleader/homecoming queen type. I was not a complete outcast, but I was invisible, save for the instances when the fat jokes were thrown around. I did what most fat kids do, and developed the comedian/class clown persona. So I have been the funny fat girl my whole life.

Unfortunately, the one downside of our conversation was when he said to me, \"This is a strange thing to remember, but I remember back in like seventh grade...\" I won't continue the story, but I will say that it was probably the most embarassing thing that happened to me at that time (think awkward pubescent teenage girl crap), and that is the one story he remembered about me. I played it off and acted like I didn't remember it happening, but the truth is, I remember all of it. Christ. Is that what everyone I went to school with remembers about me? Eh, I don't see any of those people anyway, so it's really meaningless at this point.

Anywho, that's it. I had a strange reunion with someone I haven't spoken a word to since 1987. It was a little surreal.


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