Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Sexed up and stood up.

In five days, I am going to be 31. As strange as this may sound, I never thought I would be this old. Does that make sense? Eh, probably not. Most of the shit I say never does.

So I got me some hot Jason lovin' the other night, and man oh man, does that boy know how to make a girl feel good. There's no insecurity with Jason. He never makes me feel like I am anything less than completely sexy, and he tells me over and over how much he loves the things I do to him. At this point, he can pretty much talk me into anything. And he knows it. The only drawback is that since I am not the only person he sees, I don't get that hot lovin' nearly as often as I'd like (which is, um, every single day - sometimes repeatedly). But, until he realizes that he's madly in love with me, or one of the jackholes I go out with suddenly turn out to be a decent and normal human being, I'll take what I can get of him.

And speaking of the jackholes I go out with (or don't, in this case), I found yet another reason to despise the guys online. I met a guy online a while back, and we have been playing the whole bullshit chat-get-to-know-you game for a while now, and he has asked me to meet several times. Well, the first time we were supposed to meet he got some weird stomach bacteria thingy and was sick as hell for a few weeks, so we rescheduled. Well, the day for our date came and went, and I have not heard shit from this guy.

This is not the first time something like this has happened to me with a guy online. Why go through all the bullshit of telling a girl you want to meet, when you really never intend to? Why waste your time? I mean, if you only want to chat online, that is one thing. I am down with that. But don't fucking string me along and say all this goddamned sweet shit to me online and on the phone and then completely flake out and disappear on me. I guess that proves that you really know nothing about people when you only chat with them online. Well, that's not completely true. I have many online friends that I know and love, this fuckhead just made me bitter. Damn him.

I never trust guys that will take your number but won't give theirs in return - ever. He never gave me his number. I should have known better. Fucker.

So, between that guy, and my horrible date guy from before, I am batting a thousand over here. Ugh.

Someone save me, please.


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