Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Blah. Update. Blah.

Friday night, I was hanging out with Kay and some other friends, and she decides to put in "Farenheit 9/11", which is a mistake. I couldn't imagine what would compel someone to put in such a movie when everyone is just hanging out, having drinks and having fun, but she did. And not only did it kill the mood (boy did it EVER), we got into our most heated debate ever over this whole fucked up mess in Iraq.

I stopped watching the news months ago, because it saddens and enrages me when I see that more people are dying over there.

But politics are incredibly personal, and I am not going to change anyone's mind about the way they feel, so that's all I am going to say.

I haven't had sex in over a month. This is not good, people. I have played around with both Jason and The Hot Egyptian recently, but due to some abnormal menstrual curse, penetration was not happening. I have masturbated so many times that I think I am going to electrocute myself if I keep it up.

I almost had a chance with Jason tonight after several steamy emails went back and forth, but I lost out to his lame-o motorcycle friends. Fucking motorcycles.

I caved last weekend and made a huge mistake. The AOL jackass I complained about who made plans with me and then never showed, never called, nothing - popped up online late last Saturday and told me this sob story, which I bought (like a pussy), and he came over. We just talked, and made out, and we fell asleep together, but that's it. What the fuck is my problem?? I never should have talked to him after all that shit he pulled.

I am so weak if I think there's a chance I am going to get laid, I swear.

Yesterday, this guy instant messaged me and we had a very interesting conversation. Basically, he wants to come over to my apartment, dressed like a french maid (with full makeup as well), and serve me in whatever way I order him to do. And, if he doesn't do whatever I tell him, I get to punish him in any way I see fit. I am no dominatrix, that's for sure, but I really hate cleaning, so I am thinking about it.


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