Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Another entry about a dick.

It's insanity over here lately. Tomorrow night I check into the hospital for my surgery so I am trying to get all my shit together since I am going to be gone for a while. Christ. I am such a fucking procrastinator. I have known this date for a month, and decided to get all my stuff going yesterday.

Smart, Andria.

In my frenzy to get things together around here, I failed to notice something that ended up making me incredibly uncomfortable tonight in a way that is NOT GOOD.

My Dad brought my Grandma over so she could give me some stuff she had bought me for my house, and she was asking where my (somewhat) new little cat, Boo, was. I looked around but didn't see her immediately, so my Grandma and I started chit-chatting about whatever minority group she is now convinced is going to bring America to its knees (Grandma was born and raised in North Carolina, and unfortunately has not let those good old Southern values of bigotry and ignorance go, but she's my Grandmother, so what the fuck can I do?). Then she said "oh, there's a little kitty!" And we both noticed that Boo was batting around some paper, and she picked it up. Well... it was a condom wrapper. This was not my finest moment, people. I know my Dad knows I am a grown woman and all that jazz, but I would prefer if my womanhood not be right in his face. I was embarrassed, to say the least. My Dad looked just as uncomfortable as I did, and my Grandma was completely oblivious to what she was holding. Neither of us said anything. I just took it and threw it away.

Oh, the horror!!

I have let the travesty and shock of yesterday sink in a bit, and I still don't know quite what to say. I really am just shocked as fuck that GW won. I really thought people were angry with the state of affairs around here.

Well, I fear for what old GW and his band of Jesus-loving zealots are going to do next. I still can't articulate what I am feeling.

So I work at the beach, and there's a lot of tv and movie crap that gets filmed there. This summer, we were severely inconvenienced by that dumb show about Orange County.

Well, this morning, when I was walking to get some coffee at Coffee Bean, I saw all the trailers at the end of the street, and all the people standing around with clipboards talking on cell phones (which is a dead giveaway of a film crew), and figured it was them again.


That was going to mess up traffic big time. Anywho, so I get to Coffee Bean to order my $5 iced vanilla crack for the day, when I notice one of the stars of a certain beach-front police drama in line. I also notice a woman who is a regular at The Bean a few people behind him. Well, he paid for his order, then the woman paid. Before she even put her change away, the coffee pimp told her her drink was ready (as I said, she is a regular, so they made her drink before she even ordered). Well, Over-Inflated-Ego-TV Star FLIPPED OUT that she got her drink before him, and he started screaming at the poor girl behind the cash register that he is the star of some show and he had to get to work, and he was there first, and blah, blah, blah. What a dick. I love when celebrities act like assholes in public.

That made my day.

So, my surgery is Friday morning, and I am going to be away from my computer for so long, I don't know what the hell I am going to do without it. I didn't even realize how attached I had become to this lovely internet until I realized I was going to be away from it.

Miss me.

A little.

Pretty please.


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