Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

69-ing Reindeer, and feeling guilty.

Tonight I ventured out into my first social event in well over a month. Kay and her husband, DMX had their annual "Bad Christmas Sweater" party, so I decided to go for a while. Man, were those sweaters hideous.

My girlfriend Angela came with her dipshit husband Barney, who decided to take Christmas appliques and have them in different sexual positions as his sweater. Nice. Although, I have to say it was pretty funny to see a gingerbread man sticking it to a penguin from behind and two 69-ing reindeer. Hey, I never said my sense of humor was sophisticated.

I had all these things I wanted to write about and now they have escaped me, which sucks ass. Oh! Ok, so maybe I am the most horrible person alive, I don't know.

For like four years now, I have been carrying around this secret about a friend of ours (well, she's no friend of mine, but she's in the group) cheating on her husband. Normally, I wouldn't get in some other couples' business (unless it was Kay, she's like my sister), but it has been torture for me to know this and not be able to tell anyone. See, this girl, who I will call The Cake Making Whore (she's a professional baker, duh.) brags about herself constantly, and how great her marriage is, and how wonderful her baby is and what a little genius he is, just like she was. Whatever.

Kay has had a distrust of TCMW for a while, but has never put the pieces together and figured it all out. Well, tonight we were talking about this bartender at our old bar (where TCMW was also a bartender at the time she was fucking around on her husband) coming out of the closet (surprisingly) last week. So I said, "Wow... I happen to know of a threesome [newly gay bartender] and [bouncer at said bar] were in, and I wonder if [newly gay bartender] accidentally gave [bouncer] a little reach around when he wasn't looking." Well, immediately Kay wanted to know who the girl in the menage was, and I said just someone from the bar, so she starts naming names. I keep saying I am not going to say one way or another, except that if they thought about it, it wouldn't be hard to figure out (as soon as I found out, I hated TCMW and refused to say anything nice about her, which made everyone wonder what she did that was so bad). So, when her name was mentioned, I said again that if they thought about it for a minute, it wouldn't be hard to guess. So now four of us know about it, and I don't feel great that I am spreading gossip, because I don't like to do that.

But at the same time, it was killing me to know. I couldn't stand listening to her all the time. She was such a fake. I have no tolerance for people like this.

Oh fuck... I should have just kept my mouth shut. Who knows what Kay is going to do with that kind of information.

Does this make me a horrible human being? Or just a loud-mouthed gossip?

My head hurts. I am going to bed.


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