Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

The best tv show ever.

Since I am still “not supposed” to drink, I do believe this will be the first Super Bowl Sunday that I will actually remember. Kay and DMX throw a big party every year, and every Monday morning after, I curse myself for drinking more beer than one human being should ever consume.

I must admit, as much as I hate to be the lone sober person, not being hung over all day at work sounds pretty good, especially since that Monday is going to be my first day back.

I am not a big fan of reality TV. In fact, I hate almost all of it. But I watch shit like Elimidate and Dance 360 (only the best hour of television EVER), so who am I to judge? Anywho, I avoid most “reality” shows, except for the auditions for American Idol (after they pick all the finalists, I don’t care anymore). These lunatics that show up to sing in front of Simon, Randy, and Paula (who really should not be criticizing anyone else’s abilities as a singer) really scare the shit out of me. I mean, these people sound SO bad… I can’t possibly understand how they could think they could pull it off.

I also think their friends and families should get their asses kicked for filling these poor peoples’ heads with false hope, when it is so blaringly obvious they should be doing something other than singing. Please, crazy auditioners, go home and do ANYTHING that doesn’t involve you singing a Whitney Houston song, mmmkay? Thanks.

On the reality TV/Whitney Houston tip… A Bobby and Whitney reality show? I am all over that shit. I have heard Bobby is shopping the networks to sell a show about he and Whitney, and those two crackheads are just crazy enough to get me to watch. It sounds almost as good as the ill-fated Liza Minelli and David Gest freak show.

Good times, people. Good times.


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