Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

I <3 boredom and hate mail.

I have nothing to do at work.



Can you tell by the frequency of my crappy entries I have nothing better to do?

I have been here since 8:30 this morning, and have done nothing but read diaries and email my friends all day (incidentally, if you’re checking your stats and you see someone is pouring through your old entries, it’s probably me reading what I missed before I found your diary. I told you, nothing else to do). Most people would probably love to get paid to do nothing all day, but the boredom is starting to wear on me. I am going into week three of doing nothing, and it’s not very fun.

I like working. I like having something to keep my brain going all day. I like to feel like I have some kind of a purpose in this office. I just got back from being gone for three months of the most mind-numbing boredom ever, and now I am just as bored, but in a new place. If there is any consolation, at least I am getting paid for it.

Even fucking Celestia is being normal (well, normal for her, which is still way off-kilter for the rest of us), and not giving me any theater to watch. Diva’s not throwing any tantrums, Mr. Big Shot is not screaming down the hall for me to show him how to work our new phones. There’s no idiot phone solicitors to piss me off, no hot delivery men for me to have lusty fantasies about, nothing interesting on the radio.

One good thing, however, is that I work in a little “village” that is constantly full of people, so for the dorky people-watcher in me, it’s good. It’s amazing how people act when they don’t think anyone is watching them. Ok, I just read that sentence, and it makes me look kind of creepy.

I got my first (and only, so far) piece of hate mail from this diary today:

“your diary sucks. you think your so funny but your not. your name is right. your a dork. you like stupid things like nascar which is for rednecks, and your a whore because you talk about porno all the time and how you need sex. i also think your a lezbian because you said you wanted to make out with beyonce and anjelina jolie. i cannot beleive that people read your diary and leave comments. it is like a message board for retard people. at least you finallly got a good fucking layout.but your diary still sucks.”

This email made my head want to explode. Not because he thought I sucked, but because the spelling and grammar geek in me couldn’t believe how horrendously composed this email was.

Uh… if I really thought a diary was lame, I wouldn’t keep reading it every day. So I am pretty sure he’s reading it right now. So, everyone make sure they say hi to StupidRedd at hotmail dot com.

I emailed him back and told him he was a pussy a) for sending the email to tell me I suck, and b) talking shit about the comments OUTSIDE of the comments section.

But, to Loopy’s credit, at least my diary now has ONE redeeming quality. Heh.

I <3 stupid people!

And guys who send me naked pictures. : )

But whatever.


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