Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Crap. I can't think of a title.

I got the monumentally stupid idea to re-organize my CD collection alphabetically.

I’ve already admitted to being a dork. So shut the fuck up.

Now I’ve got about 500 CD’s piled on my living room floor and I don’t want to deal with the project anymore. It’s not all the fun I thought it would be.

I also realized I have CD’s that I thought I tossed out years ago. Like “Spellbound” by Paula Abdul.

Yeah. Paula Abdul.

Did anyone see Lindsay Lohan on SNL this weekend?

Holy shit. That girl is falling apart. And, she got rid of the red hair and has a horrible blonde disaster dye job.

And speaking of girls I don’t like, Tom Cruise was on Oprah yesterday (Yeah, I tivo Oprah. Want to make something of it?).


I thought his little romance with Katie Holmes was a publicity stunt (as has been speculated everywhere), but after his over the top theatrics every time someone said her name, now I am convinced it can’t be real.

It was bizarre. I thought he was going to eat her as soon as she came out. It’s creepy, I tell you. CREEPY.

I think Dixie nailed it on the head when she called the Brad and Jen divorce vehicle, “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” - “True Lies 2: Electric Boogaloo.” I finally saw a clip of it, and what a big unoriginal piece of crap this movie looks like.

But it’s got Brad. And he’s pretty.

And Angelina. And she’s hot.

Tuesday is my favorite day of the week. Well, actually Wednesday is, because it’s the only day people refer to using the word “hump.” But I love Tuesdays because that’s the day new records are released, and because I buy cd’s like most women buy shoes, today I am getting the new Gorillaz and Audioslave records.

Gorillaz, if you’re not listening to them, are awesome. Seriously.

Fuck me.

I was changing the syrup in our soda machine at work, and I spilled fucking diet coke syrup down my shirt.

Nice. And since I sit at the front desk, everyone that comes in the door will see what a clumsy dipshit I am.

I doubt any pervy old guys will tell me I smell "intoxicating" today.

Well, unless I spilled some bacardi on me, too.

Good times.


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