Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Strong journaling skills for women.


This is my 100th entry.

I must confess, I thought I would have gotten bored with this diary a long time ago, and never imagined anyone would actually read it.

I started it more as an exercise in discipline, to see if I could be consistent in writing something online as I have been in my own journal that I write in each day. The good thing is, I am much less inclined to feel sorry for myself here as I used to in my real journal. Looking back on old journals, especially those in the last few years, I want to kick myself for how incredibly self-centered and self-pitying I was all the time. I mean, some of those feelings were valid, but a lot of it was just crap.

I don't want to look back on this journal and be disappointed with myself.

I don't think I will.

I have also been lucky enough to find some of the most insightful, amusing and entertaining people around. If you haven't read the diaries on my buddy list, do it.


Ok. Enough of that crap. I have a bone to pick with the feminists.

Being that I am a receptionist "corporate executive assistant," I see all the mail that comes into our office. And, every single day, we get bombarded with advertisements for seminars and trainings.

My problem is this: women are constantly screaming for equality and fairness in the workplace. That's fine with me, and I support equal rights for everyone, but all of these stupid seminars are for "Strong communication skills FOR WOMEN," "Management skills for WOMEN," "Administration skills for WOMEN," etc. Jesus, even "Power Point Presentations for WOMEN." Power point presentations for women? What exactly does that entail?

If you want fairness and equality in the workplace, why do you have to go to a seminar that is geared to teach you something based solely on the fact that you are a woman? I may be the only one, but I find this somewhat offensive.

Here is a typical workplace conversation, enhanced by my newfound estrogen-based communicative skills:

DisgustingMaleWhoProbablyMakesMoreAndDoesLessWork: Andria, I am going to need this bank statement reconciled ASAP.
Andria: Alright, sir. I will get right on that. Please understand that in the course of my menstrual cycle, my hormones have surged a bit, and I am feeling a bit testy. Please do not take this as a reflection on you. It is merely the fact that I am a woman.
Andria: Would you like to talk about how that makes you feel? It is so important to express our feelings, and have an open and honest line of communication. Would you like one of these delicious homemade cookies that I baked from scratch last night while I was working on this fantastic power point presentation I did? It's called "A Man Won't Validate You, But This Hershey Bar Will."
DMWPMMADLW: Andria, I am clearly impressed with your strong communication skills.


I wonder if these advertisements were all specifically for men how that would go over.

I had a shitty, shitty day today at work, which was capped off by getting a ticket on the way to Kay's for binge drinking dinner. Well, after a few vodka cranberry lemonades (mmm), this is what happens when RAM leaves his toys on the table in front of me.

Don't think I didn't yell at Kay and DMX for buying their kid the GAYEST toy ever. I mean, when the doll's wearing a speedo, that should tell you something.

And they wonder why he loves to dance and twirl around so much.


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