Striving For Mediocrity

Ramblings of a thirtysomething sometimes bitter single girl living in Southern California with her gay cat and crazy neighbors. Doing her damnedest to find one good man that won't drive her completely nuts.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Wacko Jacko.

Well. I'll be goddamned.

I have said it before, and I'll say it again. I really do have the best readers ever.

Huge thanks to everyone with the encouraging comments and the wonderful emails. That was a hard entry to post here, so I thank you all.

You guys rule.

And, a special thanks to the awesome Miss Pea for sending her eleventy billion fans over by linking to that entry.


Michael Jackson's not guilty of being a child molester.


California juries really do have their heads up their ass when they get to preside over a celebrity's trial.

I mean, if OJ filmed himself hacking Nicole up and practically decapitating Ron Goldman, the idiots on that jury still would have let him walk.

I think if they had tape of Michael Jackson with his dick in a kid's ass, he'd still get off (literally).

California WILL NOT convict a star.

And then, when they finally DO find one guilty, it's Tommy Chong, going to jail for selling bongs online.



Well, I am now officially a pedestrian-runner-over person.

If a tweeker on a bike counts as a pedestrian, and running into the back of his back wheel counts as running him over.

I was waiting to make a right hand turn at a light, and when it was clear, I started to turn, and in the two seconds it took me to step on the gas and start turning, he flew by out of nowhere, and I hit the back of his bike.
But the guy was so strung out, he didn't stop, or even look. He just kept going.

So I did, too.

I feel just like Halle Berry hitting and running.

Tonight was RAM's kindergarten graduation (I was driving over to his church when I hit the guy). I have to tell you, I don't get all touchy-feely and girly very often, but when my feelings for that kid are involved, I am a total SAP.

It was pretty funny to see 35 five year-olds playing dress-up in frilly dresses and suits and ties, the girls in curls and the boys with the slicked down hair.

When the kids were walking up to stage between the aisle, they all looked petrified. Not RAM. He was beaming. That kid is just happy all the time.

It was funny, because he didn't see me when he walked up, but when he was on the stage, when everyone was getting ready to do a prayer (he's in Catholic school), everyone was bowing their heads, ready to pray, and RAM saw me and screamed out "TT! LOOK I'M GRADUATING!"

He also draws the biggest crowd wherever he goes. Between me and my parents, Kay and her parents, and DMX's family, he usually has at least 25 people at his events. We took up half the stands at his tee-ball games.

So, when they called RAM's name to go and get his diploma, we behaved in the only way appropriate for such an event: waving our hands in the air, jumping up, screaming and clapping.

We had to represent, yo.

We are so white trash.

I heard an interview with Mike Tyson after his fight this weekend, and the interviewer asked him, "So what's next for Mike Tyson?"

And Mike replied, "I don't know. Fade into bolivion."



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